The grove is the area that needs the least amount of work. A tree plan to plant young trees to grow before the old ones die. Many of the 6″ to 10″ inch trees were planted by a Boylan Heights initiative in 2002, and a Enloe High School project in 2003. Photo from Master Plan | Annotation by JHuberman Here is the Picture Map from the Master Plan. Here is the whole expanded grove from the Master Plan: The Grove p. 204 Master Plan
The creek used to loop out into where the soccer fields are. It was used as a landfill and Rocky Branch was channelized. Restoring the creek will require dealing with the old landfill so you can imagine how many permits and studies that will take. However there is also the possibility that there could be both Federal and State funds to clean it up. Picture from Master Plan | Annotations by JHuberman Here is the Master Plan picture map Picture map from the Master Plan
Responsible Phasing of Dorothea Dix Park I will explain why we need to appreciate the reconstructed Dorothea Dix landscape before making decisions about what else should be in the park. I’m Joseph Huberman. I live across the street from the park I’ve been advocating for Dix Park since I was appointed to the Legislative Study Commission in 2003 and am a founding member of both Friends of Dorothea Dix Park and Dix 306. The Landscape is the soul of Dorothea Dix Park. It is the foundation of its legacy. The Draft Master Plan contains many exciting proposals but it also has one glaring abomination, and that is the inclusion of revenue generating development that doesn’t serve the park visitor. It starts as early as Phase B and continues in both Phases C and D where, unbelievably, the Plan recommends revenue generating development along major portions of the Downtown Gateway along Lake Wheeler Road. All the references to development that is not for park purposes should be stricken from the Master Plan. The default action of the plan should be “No private development”, there should be no discussion or negotiation regarding leasing Park property for private use withoutRead More
Good evening. My name is Will Hooker and I am a registered landscape architect and a retired professor from NC State where I taught landscape design for over 35 years. I would like to comment on the proposed Master Plan for Dix Park Thirteen years ago, I was involved with a group lobbying to keep the Dix Hospital Campus as a Park. With the hospital closing, the City was in the process of deciding what to do with the land. Because there was a call to maintain a portion of the land for services to aid the mentally challenged, my group felt that we would be okay for some of those services be kept, with the bulk of the property given over to natural park land.The City called a public meeting so that citizens could state their desires. The evening of the public meeting there were two microphones set up in the audience for anyone to make a short statement. As I stepped up to the microphone in my line the person in the other line was making his statement. He stated, “Raleigh needs to devote the entire 306 acres to a park, – no exceptions.” I was awestruck. ItRead More
I’m Joseph Huberman, I live across from Dix and I’ve been on the Raleigh Parks Board and participated in four Master Plans… Kate, we would like to thank you, your staff and MVVA for your hard work producing this Master Plan for Dix Park. We very much appreciate that you and the City Councillors took our concerns seriously and modified the Park Plan so that we can all support it and work together. We think further study of the buildings, funding, and parking is important, and we will continue to advocate that all the park be open to everyone, that there are as few buildings as necessary and that we find creative ways to bring people into the park. We look forward to all of us working together to make Dix a World Class Park. Dix needs to be a park for everyone but it doesn’t need to be a park with everything. It’s unique characteristics are: its legacy as a site of conscience; the people who lived and worked on the land, and the transition from imprisoning to treating those with mental illness and the landscape which offers natural restorative tranquility in contrast to the bustle of downtown.Read More
Phase 1 includes the bike lane along Lake Wheeler Road and the main park entrance with playground, fountain and other stuff that hasn’t been designed in detail yet. Next to it along Lake Wheeler Rd. there is a large field with trees, some benches and a grill. This is one of the parcels the Master Plan labels for future study. Even though it is grassy field they have colored it gray on the plan and in “Phase 1” they label it as “Temporary Parking” Map from the Master Plan | Red annotation by JHuberman One of the Master Plans “Core Values” is “Open Up and Connect”. On page 18 it says, Work with neighboring communities and institutions to maximize local and regional connections to the park Create new physical connections that invite activity at park edges and expand upon existing landscape experiences Improve existing entries and create new ones, welcoming visitors from all directions in as many ways as possible The Lake Wheeler Road park earmarked for “Temporary Parking” This “Future Study”, “Temporary Parking” area is one of the best opportunities to connect Fuller Heights into the park. By locating the Lake Wheeler greenway slightly into this area and plantingRead More
Definition of “Private Development” “Private Development” Includes All the various ways of describing opportunities for a person or corporation to use part of the park for their own private use when that use does not directly support the park visitor. Use of park property that is not open to the public solely to raise revenue to support park purposes.Terminology such as “Value Capture”, “Land Lease”, Park Supporting, and “Revenue Generating Development”, as well as other creative terms that obscure the meaning to the public.Condominiums, rental apartments, business office space and facilities that charge excessive membership or use fees and similar businesses. “Private Development” does not include: The kitchen section of a restaurant or the storage and repair areas of a bicycle rental shop, because the business is open to the public and the private areas directly support the service to the public. Facilities that groups can temporarily rent in ways similar to those rented in other Raleigh Parks like meeting rooms or picnic shelters. Development by private corporations or individuals for public amenities like fountains, play areas, bike paths or stream remediation. “Open and accessible to everyone” includes: ADA compliant access to facilities. Some trails and landscapes may not beRead More