Phase 1 includes the bike lane along Lake Wheeler Road and the main park entrance with playground, fountain and other stuff that hasn’t been designed in detail yet. Next to it along Lake Wheeler Rd. there is a large field with trees, some benches and a grill. This is one of the parcels the Master Plan labels for future study. Even though it is grassy field they have colored it gray on the plan and in “Phase 1” they label it as “Temporary Parking”

One of the Master Plans “Core Values” is “Open Up and Connect”. On page 18 it says,
- Work with neighboring communities and institutions to
maximize local and regional connections to the park - Create new physical connections that invite activity
at park edges and expand upon existing landscape
experiences - Improve existing entries and create new ones,
welcoming visitors from all directions in as many ways
as possible

This “Future Study”, “Temporary Parking” area is one of the best opportunities to connect Fuller Heights into the park. By locating the Lake Wheeler greenway slightly into this area and planting some additional trees it can extend the tranquil natural characterics of the park right to the edge of Fuller Heights inviting people in with a beautiful contrast to the actively developed “Gateway” entrance so visitors have a choice.
Gateway perspective view now from the Master Plan (The above areas are South of the “Gateway” as depicted below.

Gateway perspective view of the Master Plan