Definition of “Private Development” “Private Development” Includes All the various ways of describing opportunities for a person or corporation to use part of the park for their own private use when that use does not directly support the park visitor. Use of park property that is not open to the public solely to raise revenue to support park purposes.Terminology such as “Value Capture”, “Land Lease”, Park Supporting, and “Revenue Generating Development”, as well as other creative terms that obscure the meaning to the public.Condominiums, rental apartments, business office space and facilities that charge excessive membership or use fees and similar businesses. “Private Development” does not include: The kitchen section of a restaurant or the storage and repair areas of a bicycle rental shop, because the business is open to the public and the private areas directly support the service to the public. Facilities that groups can temporarily rent in ways similar to those rented in other Raleigh Parks like meeting rooms or picnic shelters. Development by private corporations or individuals for public amenities like fountains, play areas, bike paths or stream remediation. “Open and accessible to everyone” includes: ADA compliant access to facilities. Some trails and landscapes may not beRead More